Brian Findleton

A child of the 50’s, Brian grew up among the avocado groves of Southern California. His father built the family’s classic mid-century modern home, and appreciation for design was born. Never conventional, he raised a Great Horned Owl in the light well of his bedroom. His first real drawing at age 16 was of a Peregrine Falcon.

As an adolescent, Brian became a licensed falconer and went to school in Arizona to accommodate trapping and flying his own Harris’s Hawk. Over the years, he flew many birds and still holds dear his love of hawking and the friendships he established there.

Always a right brain kind of guy, he found a talent for carpentry and enjoyed a 30-year career as a master woodworker, cabinet maker, furniture designer and builder in the Bay Area. He was known in the trade as “no nails”. An amateur voice talent, he delighted himself in voicing most Warner Brothers characters as he worked. He often signs his work “321”, an alpha-numeric representation of “Bri”, and the name of his carpentry business.

Retired in the desert, Brian sought an artistic outlet one day with a Sharpie. He has barely left his pool house studio since that day.

Brian and his wife are supporters of the Palm Springs Animal Shelter, and he is often inspired to draw animals. As an advocate for the Trap-Neuter-Return program, many of his cats display a tipped ear.

Brian currently lives happily in Palm Springs, California, with his wife, dog and cat.